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Marvel Realm of Champions

18 reviews
63.7 k downloads

Marvel superheroes return in this spectacular RPG

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Andrés López icon
Reviewed by
Andrés López
Content Editor

Marvel Realm of Champions is a 3D action game set in the Marvel universe, in which players can participate in exciting 3v3 battles. Each player controls one of Marvel's superheroes or supervillains, who can also be customized at will.

The controls in this game are very similar to what you'll find in any MOBA for touch screens. That is, with the left thumb, you can move your character, and with the right thumb, you can activate all your attacks and special abilities. As usual, each skill has a timer, so you'll have to find the best way to use each one at the most opportune moment.

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Marvel Realm of Champions has two main game modes. On the one hand, there's a classic PvP, in which up to six players face each other in intense 3v3 duels. The objective in this game mode is to destroy the enemy base, so the first team to do so wins the fight and reaps the best rewards. The second game mode is cooperative. In this mode, you can join forces with two other players to face waves and waves of AI-controlled enemies.

One of the most striking and interesting aspects of Marvel Realm of Champions is, without a doubt, its character editor. This game lets you customize your superheroes and supervillains with hundreds of different options. You can add lots of different pieces of equipment and combine them as you wish to create completely unique looks.

Marvel Realm of Champions is an excellent online action game through which you can discover a new story within the Marvel universe, with you and your friends as the protagonists. Best of all, this game has absolutely spectacular graphics, which is why its performance may suffer on mid-to-low range devices.

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Requirements (Latest version)

  • Android 8.0 or higher required

Information about Marvel Realm of Champions 6.1.0

Package Name com.kabam.realm
License Free
Op. System Android
Category RPG
Language English
Author Kabam Games, Inc.
Downloads 63,695
Date Jan 4, 2024
Content Rating +12
Advertisement Not specified
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Older versions

xapk 6.0.0 Android + 8.0.0 Nov 17, 2021
xapk 5.1.0 Android + 8.0.0 Oct 5, 2021
xapk 5.0.1 Android + 8.0.0 Aug 31, 2021
xapk 5.0.0 Android + 8.0.0 Aug 25, 2021
xapk 4.1.0 Android + 8.0.0 Jul 28, 2021
xapk 4.0.0 Android + 8.0.0 Jun 30, 2021

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18 reviews


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dangerousgreyparrot83837 icon
2 months ago

I can't enter the game, it says: no network connection. Although I turned on Wi-Fi, the game takes a long time to load and then crashes completely. Please fix this.

heavysilvermosquito96429 icon
3 months ago

Doesn't work in Russia 🇷🇺!

magnificentblackanchovy64631 icon
4 months ago

it's a fun game for real

handsomewhitelychee52507 icon
4 months ago


clevergreyhorse11418 icon
in 2021

It Works For Me Very Cool Graphics Are Very Great Love Love Love It

hungryblueanchovy65576 icon
in 2020

it won't let me download it and I have a lg k9 😔


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